The narrative explores the downfall of a once-happy couple facing infidelity. As evidence of cheating emerges, one partner experiences deception and gaslighting, leading them to doubt their own perceptions. Initially, the relationship seemed perfect, filled with love and promise, but happiness quickly turned to pain upon discovering incriminating notes and images. The partner’s denial exacerbates the situation, making the deceived one question their sanity. Ultimately, the turning point comes when the betrayed partner witnesses the infidelity firsthand, leading to their decision to leave. Reflecting on the experience, they find solace in moving on, recognizing the relationship’s end as a necessary outcome.
I Left When I Saw You With Someone Else
What you and I had,
before you made me sad,
was something I never felt before.
We were so happy,
the love was sweet and sappy,
and there was so much to explore.
Our futures looked bright,
what we had felt right,
we seemed like a match made in heaven.
But it didn’t take long,
for things to go wrong,
and realized that what we had was threatened.
Photos of others,
notes from random lovers,
were unexpectedly found.
To my disdain,
I was in pain;
The truths turned my world around.
Of course you denied;
Held your tongue and lied,
and made me think it was all in my mind.
And for so long,
I thought I was wrong,
until one day I followed you from behind.
What I saw ripped apart
that special place in my heart
Why’d you need to seek elsewhere for warmth?
You seemed very happy,
even though you weren’t with me,
being wrapped in someone else’s arms.
Needless to say,
I left that day
when I saw you with someone.
Everything happens,
for good reasons;
In hindsight I’m glad that we are done.