This poem portrays a deep sense of heartbreak following an uncommunicated breakup, expressing the emotional turmoil of abandonment. The individual feels lost and afflicted, grappling with shattered trust and a reality that has changed without their loved one. They reminisce about the once hopeful relationship, now marred by confusion and pain due to sudden silence and deception. The overwhelming sense of loss is emphasized through vivid imagery of a heart fractured into countless pieces. Ultimately, the narrative conveys the enduring impact of this heartbreak, suggesting that healing may be a lengthy process, leaving an indelible mark on the individual’s emotional state.
There was nothing I could say
to stop you from walking away;
I was left feeling afflicted.
It was what you didn’t say,
when you left me that day,
that caused the pain you inflicted.
A world that I once knew
is not the same without you;
Why did you suddenly give up on us?
Why filled me with so much hope
and not keep the words you spoke?
Your lies and deception shattered my trust.
I thought we had something
‘till those texts stopped coming;
One day you decided to stop communication.
All my attempts were futile,
and the rejection was brutal;
You never bothered to give any explanation.
You sent me spiraling down,
nosediving to the ground,
to the depths of an emotional abyss.
Torments and sufferings abound,
confusion all around,
for a love that ceased to exist.
The heart that you once captured,
for a love I was so enraptured,
was once innocent and naive,
immediately cracked and fractured,
with thousands of pieces scattered,
when it realized it’d been deceived.
Cherished love it once contained,
now only shattered fragments remained,
of this heart that you’d once chosen.
It will take long to heal this pain;
This heart may never be whole again;
Because of you, I am now broken.