This poem explores the theme of overcoming heartbreak, reflected in the proverb “Once Bitten, Twice Shy.” The narrative centers on a lovelorn heart that has faced love and rejection, advised by a guiding figure—often referred to as a spirit guide or guardian angel. It emphasizes the necessity of strength amid despair, suggesting that rejection serves as divine protection. The heart’s journey, marked by initial numbness and hopelessness, ultimately calls for faith in the divine and encourages letting go of past love. The message conveys that maintaining positivity and kindness will lead to a brighter future and eventual healing.
The Lovelorn Heart
A lovelorn heart that’s once been stung,
withdraws itself and trusts no one.
The heart once warm and full of vigor,
now cold and numb, beset with rigor.
The heart views life with vacant stares,
while inundated with much despair.
Oh lovelorn heart, how will you endure,
when the long road ahead remains obscure?
You musn’t let heartbreak make you frail;
You must bear strength, you must prevail.
Oh lovelorn heart, you are strong and kind.
That rejection is protection from the divine.
Let go of that love, break free from its fetter.
Someday you’ll be redirected to something better.
Trust in the divine,
they’ve seen what you’ve been through,
Remain positive and kind;
You’ll be rewarded for your virtue.